
Nexus Planning have requested Stratford District Council to provide a Scoping Opinion under The Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 in respect of the following proposed development:

Address: Land South of Junction 12, M40, near Gaydon, Warwickshire 

 Proposal: Erection up to approximately 96,000 sqm for flexible B2, B8 and Class E(g)(ii&iii) floor space

The request was contained in an Environmental Impact Assessment Scoping report from Nexus Planning received on the 14 September 2022.  The closing date for a response by the Parish Council is the 17th October 2022

The application site comprises agricultural land and is bound to the north east by the M40 Motorway, to the south east by Pimple Lane and the south west and north west by the B4100 (Banbury Road) and B4451 respectively.

It is anticipated that the proposed development would comprise the following:

Approximately up to 96,000 sqm floorspace for flexible uses including;

  • B2 (General Industry)
  • B8 (Storage/Distribution)
  • Class E(g) (ii) & (iii) (Commercial, Business and Service (ii) the research & development of products or processes & (iii) any industrial process (which can be carried out in any residential area without causing detriment to the amenity of the area)
  • Green Infrastructure including site landscaping
  • Sustainable Drainage Systems
  • Supporting infrastructure

A copy of the applicants Scoping Report and associated Appendices can be viewed and downloaded from the District Council’s website under reference SCOPE/00037 at:


This is not a Planning Application.  The proposed development is of such size and significance that the District Council is requiring the applicant to assess the various impacts such a development will have on the environment and on any community or facility likely to be affected by it.  The Planning Application, should one be submitted, will be subject to the usual public consultation in due course.

The Parish Council has been invited to submit comments  on what matters should be included in an Environmental Impact Assessment to accompany the planning application that will be subsequently submitted by the applicant.  For example this may include, but not limited to, impacts on the following:

  • Flood risk and ground conditions
  • Ecology
  • Human health
  • Socio-economic
  • Transport and accessibility
  • Air quality
  • Noise
  • Cultural heritage
  • Landscape & visual appearance
  • Climate factors
  • Power supply

The closing date for a response to this consultation is 17th October 2022.

The Parish Council has now completed it’s submission. The Parish Council thanks all residents who have contributed to this consultation response. A copy can be downloaded here:





Stratford District 123 Waste Collection Service

The new waste and recycling service is now up and running.  However as with any new process there may be occasions when collections are delayed or missed.  To stay in touch with the service updates and report any missed collections quickly, please use the dedicated App which can be found on the District Council website.  Follow the link below




On June 28-29, an exhibition was held at the Village Hall, covering the proposed solar farm by JLR. For those that were not able to attend the exhibit, there is a website available  covering the key information from the exhibit. It can be accessed at https://jlrsolar.com/